25 JULY 2007
EFG Hermes Foundation to support Kasr Al Aini Hospital in fight against Hepatitis C
​The EFG Hermes Foundation, an independent non-profit non-governmental initiative, established by EFG Hermes, has contributed a grant of approximately 2.1 million EGP to the Kasr Al Eini Hospital in Cairo. 'Viral Hepatitis C is a global concern and is now of a major epidemic size in Egypt, which in most cases leads to death,' said Hanaa Helmy, CEO of the EFG Hermes Foundation. 'The EFG Hermes Foundation is therefore supporting Nahdet El Mahrousa, a non-governmental non-profit organization, and the Kasr Al Aini Hospital, to build awareness of how to avoid exposure to the virus as well as other blood-born viruses.' According to Helmy, the Hepatitis C and blood-born Viruses awareness campaign project includes educating nurses and patients about the prevention of the spread of such fatal viruses. Training seminars will also be conducted for all health workers in order to increase awareness, as well as a national TV campaign for greater nationwide exposure. 'We are concerned for those dieing every day of Viral Hepatitis and other blood-born viruses, as well as those that are at high risk to exposure,' says Helmy. 'In addition to the awareness campaign, the Foundation will also provide Al Kasr Al Aini Hospital with two Endoscope Disinfection Machines, critical care monitors, the furnishing of 350 new beds, and a two year supply of hospital supplies such as gloves and syringes, in order to improve the quality of service offered to patients as well as develop better hygiene of the hospital as a whole. Our short term goal is to protect those in immediate danger of being infected by such fatal viruses, and our long term goal is to help eradicate them from Egypt.'

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