07 APRIL 2009
EFG Hermes Reaffirms Commitment to Excellence in Corporate Governance
EFG Hermes approves a dividend of EGP 0.50 per share as it holds its first ordinary and extraordinary general meeting under the leadership of non-executive chairperson Mona Zulficar
EFG Hermes continued its commitment to the highest global standards of corporate governance when non-executive chairperson Mona Zulficar convened her first Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders on Tuesday, April 7th.
At the General Meeting, shareholders supported a dividend of EGP 0.50 per share and passed a motion to decrease the company’s issued capital by cancelling some treasury shares. Shareholders also ratified the Board of Directors’ and auditor’s reports for the year just ended and expressed full confidence in management’s ability to guide the company through present economic conditions.