16 OCTOBER 2007
EFG Hermes targets Millennium Development Goals through sailing the Nile
EFG Hermes Holding is funding awareness campaigns aimed at educating the Egyptian populace about the importance of achieving the MDG’s announced at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000, which are to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/Malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development. Among other sponsors of the initiative are Vodafone and Mansour Group.
Through the Sailing the Nile initiative – a collaboration between the United Nations, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the Youth Association for Population and Development – the 8 feluccas, each representing one of the MDG’s, will sail from Aswan to Cairo over 45 days beginning October 17, stopping at Aswan, Luxor, Qena, Souhag, Assiut, Minya, Beni Suef and Cairo. Yasser El-Mallawany, Chairman & CEO of EFG Hermes 'We are always willing to consider new projects and collaborations, for we firmly believe that Corporate Social Responsibility is not only relevant but crucial to social and economic development.' 'At the UN Summit in 2000, a promise was made to end poverty by the year 2015,' says Hanaa Helmy, CEO of the EFG Hermes Foundation, the social responsibility arm of EFG Hermes Holding. 'We are now half-way through the 15 year commitment and there is still a lot of work to be done. That is why it is up to everybody – individuals, government, private corporations – to do what they can to ensure that the 8 Millennium Development Goals are met on time.' During the 45 day journey from Aswan to Cairo, a 3-day event will take place in every city stopped at along the way to celebrate human rights, development and volunteerism.
Targeting mainly youth and children in Upper Egypt, the initiative incorporates a variety of cultural and artistic activities to attract youth to volunteer for development. Workshops and seminars will be held to further promote understanding of the goals. 'Simply talking about the goals is not enough,' adds Helmy. 'By spending time in each city we are making it our priority to ensure that every child knows that they are entitled to every one of the 8 Millennium Development Goals.' The launch of Sailing the Nile, on Oct. 17th coincides with the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, which will be celebrated with Stand Up and Speak Out. It will also coincide with the International Day Against Violence Against Women, which will be celebrated in Assiut on November 25th and the International Day Against HIV/AIDS, to be celebrated in Minya on December 1st. In addition, the International Human Rights Day and the International Volunteers Day will be celebrated on December 10th in Cairo. The initiative will allow for the local and national exchange of successful experiences related to achieving the 8 MDGs among UN project staff, NGOs, private sector, government and the community.