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Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds

EFG-Hermes Asset Management is the biggest asset manager by fund count in the Egyptian market and has consistently outperformed market peers over the past years.

Equity Fund

On the equity side, our firm has strong relations and direct access to senior management of companies under coverage allowing a better understanding and a wider scope of knowledge on companies under our coverage universe.

Our asset management department has a dedicated team of buy-side analysts in an investment team of professionals. The team conducts its own fundamental research on listed companies and follows a clearly laid out process of collecting and analyzing data, constructing financial models as an input into the valuation process, and providing buy side recommendations to investment managers.

Conventional Equity Fund IC Price YTD

(Prices As of 29 August 2024)

Islamic Equity Fund IC Price YTD

Money Market & Fixed Income Funds

On the fixed income side, our firms access to the domestic market units in addition to the direct access to international fixed income banks/brokers for Eurobonds executions among other instruments and benefits.

The fixed income team has a list of the investible universe according to the portfolios internal and regulatory guidelines; the universe is largely dominated by sovereign debt.

Money Market Fund IC Price YTD

(Prices As of 31 August 2024)

Islamic Money Market Fund IC Price YTD

(Prices As of 31 August 2024)

Fixed Income Fund IC Price YTD

Blended Funds

The team also offers an unmatched selection of flexible blended funds allowing clients to venture into more diversified investments while remaining risk-aware. Clients benefit from the opportunities offered by a wide range of financial instruments and an actively managed portfolio with dynamic allocation personalized to their individual goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Blended Fund IC Price YTD

(Prices As of 29 August 2024)