1.1 The EFG Holding Group (“EFG” or “Group”) recognizes its fiduciary obligation to act in the best interests of all clients. One way EFG represents its clients in corporate governance matters is through the proxy voting process.
1.2 This policy sets out EFG’s approach to proxy voting in the context of portfolio management, client service responsibilities, and corporate governance principles.
This Policy applies to all countries and/or jurisdictions in which EFG operates and extends to any additional countries and/or jurisdictions where EFG commences operations and/or has an active registration or license in the activity of managing client investments.
This Policy applies to all EFG employees acting in any capacity, Directors, Officers, secondees, people on work experience, contractors, authorised representatives and consultants in all EFG businesses.
In this Policy, “EFG” means the EFG Holding Group and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Impractical or not possible to do so. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following:
It is EFG’s intention to vote all proposals at every meeting. However, there are instances when voting is not practical or is not, in our view, in the best interests of our clients.
As a responsible, long-term oriented investor, ESG matters have become increasingly important for EFG. The Group hasan Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Policy, which outlines our approach to ESG and how our investment professionals take ESG issues into account as a part of the investment process.
This Policy is reviewed at least annually by the Policy owner. Material proposed amendments are submitted to Group Board and Executive Committee for approval. Non-material amendments are approved by the Chief Risk and Compliance Officer.
The Chief Risk and Compliance Officer is responsible for developing a suitable communication plan to publicise the Policy, and its key features, to all employees.
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