EFG Holding is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. In our efforts to become a sustainable company, EFG Holding’ Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) requires its suppliers to uphold the principles listed herein and with all applicable laws and regulations regarding labor and human rights, health and safety, Climate Change and ethics practices wherever they make products or perform services for EFG Holding. This Code goes beyond mere compliance with the law by drawing upon internationally recognized standards to advance social and environmental responsibility.

EFG Holding acknowledges the definition of human rights as rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, political beliefs, or any other status. EFG Holding employs individuals recognized as adults by the law and on a purely voluntary basis and does not tolerate human trafficking, modern slavery or child labour.
Any violations of this Code will jeopardize the supplier’s business relationship with EFG Holding whereby the contract will not be renewed and EFG Holding will discontinue doing business with them. EFG Holding may assess its suppliers’ compliance with this Code.

EFG Holding believes all workers in our supply chain deserve a fair and ethical workplace where the highest standard of human rights, dignity and respect are upheld.

EFG Holding has articulated a corporate Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking to minimize risk on human rights issues and improve living standards in the communities where it operates.

1.1 Anti-Discrimination

We do not discriminate against any worker based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, in hiring and other employment practices.

1.2 Anti-Harassment and Abuse

We do not subject any worker to harsh or inhumane treatment, including but not limited to verbal abuse and harassment, psychological harassment, mental and physical coercion, and sexual harassment.

1.3 Prevention of Involuntary Labour

We only recruit voluntary labor. We do not recruit by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction or exploitation.

1.4 Prevention of Underage Labour

We employ labor who are at least 16 years of age and do not tolerate child labour.

1.5 Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

We stand against modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to mitigating the socio-economic factors that may trigger vulnerability to human trafficking or modern slavery.

1.6 Working Hours

We provide reasonable working hours.

1.7 Wages and Benefits

We provide workers with at least the legally mandated minimum wages and benefits.

EFG Holding believes that all workers in our supply chain deserve a safe and healthy working environment where the highest standard of an employee’s wellbeing is upheld.

EFG Holding manage accidents, incidents and look to mitigate risks to avoid reoccurrence.

2.1 Occupational Health, Safety and Hazard Prevention

We provide a safe and healthy work environment for all workers, including but not limited to hazard elimination, proper instruction of machinery and provision of protective equipment to workers.

2.2 Health and Safety Communication

We provide workers with appropriate workplace health and safety training in their primary language. Health and safety related information shall be clearly posted in the facility.

2.3 Working Conditions

We provide workers with reasonably accessible and sanitary potable water, dining and clean toilet facilities.

2.4 Risk Management

We ensure risk assessments and mitigating controls are in place.

EFG Holding expects its suppliers, in their capacity as active members in the community, to operate in accordance with environmentally responsible business practices and to prioritize Climate Change considerations.

3.1 Air Pollution Management

We control and reduce air emissions that pose a hazard to the environment generating from my operations.

3.2 Wastewater Management

We control and reduce wastewater produced by my operations.

3.3 Natural Resource Reduction

We reduce natural resource consumption by implementing conservation and substitution measures.

3.4 Hazardous Substance Management

We reduce, recycle or responsibly dispose of hazardous substances.

3.5 Non-Hazardous Waste Management

We reduce, recycle or responsibly dispose of non-hazardous waste.

3.6 Noise Pollution Management

We control, monitor and reduce noise generating from my operations.

3.7 Environmental Permits and Reporting

We obtain and comply with all required environmental permits and reporting.

EFG Holding expects its suppliers, in their capacity as active members in the community, to always be ethical in every aspect of the business.

4.1 Business Integrity

We do not engage in corruption, extortion, embezzlement, or bribery to obtain an unfair or improper advantage. We abide by all applicable laws and regulations, including anti-corruption laws, of the countries in which we operate.

4.2 Disclosure of Information

We accurately record information regarding my business activities, labor, health and safety, and environmental practices and we disclose such information, without falsification or misrepresentation, to all appropriate parties.

4.3 Community Engagement

We help foster social and economic development and contribute to the sustainability of the communities in which we operate.

4.4 Customer Data Protection

We respect intellectual property rights and safeguard customer information, managing technology and data in a manner that does not violate privacy of customer data.

4.5 Financial Information

We maintain financial books and business records accurately in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and accepted accounting principles.

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