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1.Approve the Board of Directors report on the Company’s activities for the fiscal year ended 31/12/2023; (Download)



2. Approve the auditor's report on the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31/12/2023; (Download)



3.Ratify the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31/12/2023; (Download Standalone Financial Statements) - (Download Consolidated financial Statements)



4.Approve the corporate governance report for the fiscal year ended 31/12/2023; (Download)



5.Discharge the Chairperson and Members of the Board from all liabilities with regard to the Company’s activities during the fiscal year 2023;



6.Approve non-executive Board members’ remunerations for the fiscal year 2023, and determine the Board of Directors' remunerations, attendance and travel allowances for the fiscal year 2024;   (Download)



7.Ratify the Board of Directors’ resolution on 20/12/2023 to appoint Mr. Abdelhady Mohamed Ali Ibrahim, Partner at KPMG Hazem Hassan, as the Company’s auditor. And approve the appointment of the Company’s auditors for the fiscal year 2024, and delegate the Board of Directors to determine their fees;  (Download)



8.Ratify all donations during 2023 and authorize the Board of Directors to approve donations in excess of EGP1 thousand during the fiscal year 2024;  (Download)



9.Delegate Mr. Karim Ali Awad Saleh Salama and Mr. Mohamed Khaled Mohamed Abdel Khabir collectively to sign on all subsidiaries’ guarantees inside and outside of Egypt.



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